Leather or Fabric? Which Chair Raiser Is Best For You?

Leather vs fabric riser recliner chairs
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    Leather vs Fabric chair raisers

    Chair raiser shopping can be confusing. Your new chair raiser will be a place for you to relax, rest and unwind so it’s important for you to get your choice right. The style, shape and size of your new riser recliner all need to be taken into consideration.

    Another important consideration to make is whether to choose fabric or leather? To help you decide which material is best for you, we’ve summarised the key advantages and disadvantages of each in this useful guide:


    A major advantage of fabric chair raisers is the comfort they can provide you. In many people's opinion, there is no better feeling than sinking into a soft, warm and comfortable fabric recliner. But everyone is different.

    Some people prefer more support when they are sitting down for long periods of time, in which case a leather riser recliner could be a better choice for you.

    Fabric riser recliner


    If you are planning to use your riser recliner every day, then it is important to choose a material which is durable. Leather is an extremely durable material which believe it or not, actually gets better with age! Areas that look worn simply add to your recliners character over time.

    Whilst fabric recliners are also very durable, compared to leather, fabric upholstery is quicker to show signs of wear and age.

    Leather riser recliner


    Leather riser recliners can provide a touch of elegance and sophistication to your living room. While leather can come in a range of colours, fabric riser recliners come in an unlimited variety of choices. This makes fabric recliner chairs a good choice if you have a specific decor you would like to match with.


    Fabric riser recliners can mark easily, so it's important to extra take care if you are doing anything that could be potentially messy.
    Leather on the other hand is waterproof and cleans easier than fabric recliners. Simply wipe down with a damp cloth and it's as good as new!


    Fabric is normally cheaper than leather, so if you have a smaller budget, a fabric riser recliner would be better for you than a leather chair raiser. This means you are able to choose cheaper fabrics for your riser recliner to keep the cost down.

    Leather or Fabric? Which Chair Raiser Is Best For You?


    Fabric doesn’t scratch as easily as leather does, so if you have pets that like to scratch a fabric chair raiser may be the better choice for you. If you have cats or larger dogs, for example, the leather on your riser recliner chair could become torn if they jumped up and dug their claws in.
    On the other hand, leather is easier to clean and wipe down than fabric. Pet hair can easily become trapped and stick to fabric recliner armchair.

    Best recliner chair for pets


    If you suffer from allergies, fabric tends to absorb more dust mites, pet hair and other allergens more so than leather does. So if you are an allergy sufferer, we’d recommend choosing a leather chair raiser.

    For more help deciding which material is best for your new chair raiser, give our friendly team a call today on 0800 854 330- we’d be happy to help you. Alternatively, click here to view our range of fabric and leather chair raisers.

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