4 Surprising Ways Adjustable Beds Can Relieve Arthritis

adjustable bed can relieve arthritis

Did you know that sleep can be a natural pain reliever for your arthritis?

If you suffer from pain, tiredness or swelling caused by arthritis, unfortunately, you may find that your bed can be a source of discomfort rather than rest, meaning it’s hard to get any sleep at all.

If you are one of the many people affected by arthritis, read on to discover 4 surprising ways they can relieve pain.

1. Adjustable beds feel so comfortable

Do you find it difficult to find a comfortable position to lie in at night due to your arthritis? If so, an adjustable bed could be your answer.

When you sleep on a normal mattress, gaps are created between your body and the mattress which leaves you without support in those areas. As a result, your own muscles will need to provide the support, meaning increased fatigue and aches and pains on waking.

With an adjustable bed at the touch of a button, you can move into the most comfortable position for you, giving you temporary relief from your aching joints

Ways Adjustable Beds Can Relieve Arthritis

2. Find the right sleep position

If you suffer from Arthritis you may find that you have to prop your aching joints up with a pillow.
Since we move in our sleep this only provides a temporary fix. Adjustable beds provide a more practical solution to the problem.

Easily adjusted with a control, you can choose the most comfortable sleeping position for you at the simple touch of a button.

3. Adjustable beds distribute your weight evenly

Adjustable beds can provide temporary relief of joint pain by distributing your body weight evenly.
This ensures that your joints are properly supported across all parts of your body, giving you a better nights sleep.

The Many Benefits of an Orthopaedic Mattres

4. Adjustable beds improve your blood flow

A comfortable mattress and suitable sleeping position can improve your blood flow and may help ease pain caused by arthritis.

An adjustable bed can help achieve a comfortable sleeping position, therefore helping blood circulation.

Massage can ease your arthritis pain by increasing blood flow to affected areas which helps to reduce inflammation, relax tight muscles, and eliminate waste products such as lactic acid, which can cause stiffness when you wake up.

4 Surprising Ways Adjustable Beds Can Relieve Arthritis pain

Signs That An Adjustable Bed Could Help Your Arthritis

While it’s perfectly normal to wake up occasionally in the night, there are a few signs that you could benefit from an adjustable bed if you suffer from any of the below on a frequent basis:

  • Difficulties getting to sleep but then sleeping through.
  • Waking up multiple times in the night.
  • Waking up early in the morning.
  • Not feeling refreshed when you wake up.
Adjustable Beds Can Relieve Arthritis Pain

If you would like to wake each morning feeling refreshed then get in touch with us today to see how a Willowbrook adjustable bed could help.

For more information on how an adjustable bed could help you achieve a better night’s sleep with Arthritis, or for advice on purchasing an adjustable bed, contact our expert team at Willowbrook today. We have decades of experience in the sleep industry and want to use it to make sure you get the best rest possible.